To try to improve the management, and quantity, of documentation on the site we now have a wiki! You can find it at

You will need to log into MapMe.At to access the wiki but once in you will be able to view, and edit, all the documentation that we have.

We’ve copied across all the content that was previously on this blog and supplemented it with some new information. There’s still plenty more that we need and we’d love your help. What mobile apps do you use? What ways have you found to show your location? Have you built a delightful little hardware device for showing your current location? ;-)

We can’t wait to see what updates you make, remember you’re welcome to edit any pages on the site so if you come across a mistake or typo in a page, just fix it! Your name and MapMe.At username is attached to all your edits so do please keep it clean :-)

As a little addendum, have you seen that we’ve been nominated for the Postscapes Internet of Things Award 2012, in the Connected Home category? Take a look and, if you think we deserve it, vote for us!